Property Bar Association – Privacy Policy

The Property Bar Association (PBA) is a membership organisation.

There are several reasons the PBA will collect information about you.

  1. If you are a member of the PBA;
  2. If you have applied to be a member of the PBA;
  3.  If you register to attend an event held by the PBA;
  4. If you are a speaker at one of our events;
  5. If you enter our essay competition;
  6. There may be from time to time some other reason, eg recruitment.  We will ask for specific consent to our proposed use of that information at the point of collection.

This policy explains what personal data we collect, where it is held, what it is used for, how long it is held and your rights in relation to it.

Contacting us & what you can ask us to do

If you have any questions about this policy or you would like to be removed from our database, please contact the Administrator by emailing:

At any time you can ask to view, update or correct any data we hold on you. You can also ask that we stop using your data or that we delete it. To make any such requests please contact the Administrator by emailing:

Why we need your data

We need your data to carry out the business of being a membership association.  We use our members data to create a personal account on the website which provides a visible profile and to communicate with you about events, to manage registration of events and provide news and other items we believe to be relevant to our members.  We use the data of others who are not and do not become members to enable us to manage the specific event or activity for which you gave us your data. This is in keeping with the objects of the PBA listed in our constitution.

We will not use the data you have given us for any other purpose unless you us your express consent for that additional use. Such consent can be withdrawn at any time. 

Information we collect from members

  • Name
  • Chambers or institution name and address
  • Year of call
  • Year of silk appointment
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number
  • DX number
  • Membership type
  • Payment type
  • Paid until
  •  Join date
  • For events also, special dietary requirements, rsvp date, paid
  •  For essay competition entrants, we also collect course details and home addresses and telephone number

For non-members attending an event or taking part in an activity we will only collect the data listed above that is needed for that event or activity.

This information is held on the website and/or on spreadsheets by the Administrator.  

We collect most of this information from you directly, but we may also collect information about you from publicly accessible sources, which you have made public on websites associated with you or your organisation.

We do not generally seek to collect sensitive (or special categories of) personal data.  Sensitive personal data is defined by data protection laws to include personal data revealing a person’s racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, or data concerning health.

How we will use your information

To add a member to the membership database

When you become a member, we create a profile page on the PBA website.  We will make public, Name, Chambers and telephone number.  We will retain your email address which we will use to contact you.

Members are provided with login details and can amend their membership page and add to it. That detail is available to the public.  We do not use it for any other purpose.

Your email addresses are also held by our mailing software programme iContact 

If at any time you wish to cease being a member of the PBA, please email the Administrator at

To process membership applications

Membership applications are processed by email and then deleted by the end of the January one year after the application.  

To invite you to events

We email you to promote our own events and relevant other events.

We send reminders to those who have registered for an event and we will use the information of those registered to manage the event.

We maintain lists of attendees for seminars three years for CPD reasons and delete the data by the end of the next January three years after the event.

We maintain lists of attendees for purely social events for three years to enable us to invite attendees to the same event the following 2 years and delete the data by the end of the next January three years after the event.

Should you wish not to receive these emails, let the Administrator know by emailing

To send you information and news

We believe it is our legitimate business to keep the membership informed about events and items of news that we deem noteworthy to assist the Members to maintain and improve the service provided to clients

We send regular newsletters and emails about a range of items that we believe to be of interest to our members.

You can always opt out of receiving these emails, let the Administrator know by emailing

To administer subscriptions

The Administrator will contact you or your chambers to process subscription renewals.  If we do not receive a subscription renewal, we will send a few reminders.  If we still do not hear from you, or received a subscription renewal fee, we will delete you from the membership database no more than one year from the first reminder.

You can request to delete your membership at any time by emailing

To administer the business of the association

There may be other time the Administrator will contact you.  To carry out a survey, to update the website or contact details.

We share your information only with those who are the PBA’s service providers – currently only the website hosts Pilotbean.  Pilotbean have confirmed they are GDPR compliant. 


We have done an audit of information held on the website.  Unnecessary back up information will no longer be held.  The contact us form is processed by email and then deleted.  The application form is processed by email and then deleted.

Data pertaining to event registration will be held for 1 year on the website.

Only the Administrator and the website host company have access to the website content management system.

We use a third-party payment system, Stripe.  We do not hold any payment card information. Stripe have confirmed they are GDPR compliant. 

Third-party email system

iContact is used to create newsletters and emails to send to the membership.  The data on that system is name and email address and is hosted in the USA.  We are in the process of checking their compliance with GDPR and international data transfers.

Do we share your data with third parties

We may sometime use third party services to process and store your data (for instance as described elsewhere in this policy) but we will always ensure they are reputable, secure and GDPR compliant. 

We will never give your data to third parties for that third parties useless it is required to give effect to our administration or the rights and benefits offered by your membership or participation in our events and activities. 

Duration of data held

Membership data will be deleted from the website on request or by the end of the January that is one year after the renewal date when you did not renew.

Membership data and VAT invoices will be retained as required by UK tax law for 6 years.  

Essay competition entries will be deleted after 3 years.  Although we will keep a record of winners’ names, institutions and winning entries.

The PBA’s files are stored and used by the PBA Administrator.  The PBA Administrator stores them in a local filing system on personal devices which are encrypted.  The Administrator also uses a cloud storage system Sugar Sync.  Sugar Sync have confirmed they are GDPR compliant. 

Your rights

If at any point you want to you can ask to view or update your data. If you believe the information we process on you is incorrect you can request to see this information and have it corrected or deleted.  If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handed your personal data, you can contact us to have the matter investigated. If you want us to stop using your data or to remove it you can ask us to do so. All such requests should be made by emailing the Administrator on

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office