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For guidance, property or property ‘related’ work includes (without being an exhaustive list): Landlord & tenant (including agricultural), real property, co-ownership disputes, commons / village greens, compulsory purchase and work arising out of lending / finance secured against land as well as insolvency work, professional negligence work and trusts, probate and charities work related to real property/L&T.
For guidance, property or property ‘related’ work includes (without being an exhaustive list): Landlord & tenant (including agricultural), real property, co-ownership disputes, commons / village greens, compulsory purchase and work arising out of lending / finance secured against land as well as insolvency work, professional negligence work and trusts, probate and charities work related to real property/L&T.
For guidance, property or property ‘related’ work includes (without being an exhaustive list): Landlord & tenant (including agricultural), real property, co-ownership disputes, commons / village greens, compulsory purchase and work arising out of lending / finance secured against land as well as insolvency work, professional negligence work and trusts, probate and charities work related to real property/L&T. Please note that from your first renewal of membership after you have been in practice for more than five continuous years, you will need to join (if you qualify to do so) as a full member. Associate membership is only available for the first five years in practice.